Edison Pace Education

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Our curriculum is broad and balanced, enabling each individual to realise their full potential.

We support learners to overcome adversity, build resilience and become successful citizens through blending academic, vocational and outdoor based learning, with a high emphasis on the development of social and life skills. We teach in small groups which allows us all to get to know one another as a school community.

We offer accreditation opportunities from Entry Level through to GCSE / Level 2, dependent on each child’s learning pathway and progress. This creates a culture where everyone has the opportunity to succeed and progress into career pathways.

2024 outcomes

  • 76% of Year 11 students gained an Entry Level qualification at level 2 or above, or GCSE in English. Those who did not were absent for a significant portion of the year
  • 3 Year 11 students achieved Entry Level 2 Physical Education qualifications (100% of those who were entered)
  • One student achieved a GCSE Grade 4 in English Language
  • 3 students have gained a Level 1 in Home Cooking Skills (100% of those who were entered)
  • 2 Year 11 students achieved both a Functional Skills qualification in English and Maths having joined the school at Entry Level 1 or lower
  • 1 Year 11 student achieved Level 1 in Functional Skills Maths
  • 2 Year 10 students have completed Entry Level 3 in English, and the speaking and listening element of their GCSE English exam
  • 3 Year 9 students have completed Entry Level 2 in English
  • 25 components (reading / writing / speaking and listening) sat in Functional Skills English at various levels which student will continue to work towards this academic year
  • A total of 7 accreditations in Functional Skills maths
  • 82% of students have made good progress in English. 39% of students have made excellent progress in English.
  • 78% of students have made good progress in maths
  • 64% of students have made good progress in Science. 21% of students have made excellent progress in Science (greater than 2 P levels of progress)


2021 outcomes

2022 outcomes

2023 outcomes

  • 75% of students in Y8-10 made good progress from their baseline in Maths (attendance being the key limiting factor for the students who did not achieve this)

  • 88% made good or better progress in English.

  • 3 students made outstanding progress in English, each progressing by more than 3 levels from their baseline assessment in 2020.

  • 97% of all students took an Entry Level (or higher) paper in both Maths and English

  • 71% of Year 11 achieved an Entry Level in maths

  • One student gained an Entry Level 2 in maths having joined in Year 10 with a baseline of Pre-Entry

  • One student who was educated off site gained a Level 2 Home Cooking Skills BTEC

  • One student gained a Level 1 in Motor Vehicle

  • One student (current year 10) made outstanding progress (5 P levels) in maths

  • 62% of year 11 leavers made outstanding (two or more P levels) progress in maths

  • 60% of year 11 students made good (at least one P levels) progress

  • All current year 10 students made good (at least one P level) of progress in English

  • All current students made good (at least one P level) progress in Science

  • 3 current students made outstanding (3 levels) progress in Science

  • 93% of students gained an Entry Level qualification in English

  • 85% of Year 11 students gained a maths qualification in ether Functional Skills or GCSE

  • One student achieved a GCSE Grade 4 in both maths and English Language

  • 50% of Year 11 students gained an ICT qualification – a significant increase from last year

  • 2 students have gained a Level 1 in Home Cooking Skills

  • 100% of students who were entered gained a Bronze Award in their Duke of Edinburgh course having completed their expedition.

  • 2 Year 11 students achieved both a Functional Skill Entry 2 in English and Entry 3 Reading having joined the school at Entry Level 2 or lower.

  • 3 students achieved a Level 1 in Functional Skills English

  • One Year 8 student has already completed Entry Level 2 in maths and English

  • We have had a total of 13 accreditations in Functional Skills English

  • We have had a total of 14 accreditations in Functional Skills maths

  • 60% of students have made good or excellent progress in English

  • 65% of students have made good or excellent progress in maths

  • 3 students have made excellent progress in Science (greater than 2 P levels of progress)

Subject Curriculum Maps 24/25

Please select the links for further details of each subject area

English Curriculum Map 24/25

Maths Curriculum Map 24/25

Science Curriculum Map 24/25

History Curriculum Map 24/25

iMedia Curriculum Map 24/25

Art Curriculum Map 24/25

Music Curriculum Map 24/25

Outdoor Physical Education Curriculum Map 24/25


Subject Curriculum Maps 23/24

Please select the links for further details of each subject area

English Curriculum Map 23-24

Maths Curriculum Map 23-24

Science Curriculum Map 23-24

World Around Us Curriculum Map 23/24

Information Communication Technology Curriculum Map 23/24

Performing Arts Curriculum Map 23/24

Reading Curriculum Map 23/24

Personal Development Curriculum Map 23/24

Physical Education Curriculum Map 23/24