Edison Pace Education

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Curriculum - Primary

The primary curriculum at Edison Pace School has been designed to provide young people with a rich and varied curriculum that blends the principles of the National Curriculum with an individualised, child centric approach which allows each and every one of our young people to reach their full potential and become the best that they can be.


Our classes are organised into key stages rather than year groups, this gives us greater flexibility in how and what we teach. Class sizes are small, with no more than 6 children in a class. Every class has a dedicated teacher and an experienced pastoral support assistant.

Our aim is to develop a love for reading within each of our children, therefore, reading forms the foundation of the learning experience. Our literacy lessons have been designed to integrate daily phonics practice and retrieval with learning centred around a specific book each half term. Reading opportunities are clearly signposted within each subject area, encouraging our young people to read a range of fiction and non-fiction for a variety of purposes.

We utilise White Rose to support our numeracy programme, we understand the importance of a consistent approach to learning, therefore we continue the use of White Rose at secondary.

Art, ICT, reading and outdoor learning opportunities are interwoven into all areas of learning, establishing a creative and dynamic learning environment that encourages young people to develop a genuine love for learning and a curiosity for the world around them.

Young people experience outdoor education weekly. We believe that the social and emotional benefits of learning beyond the classroom are invaluable. Through our 3 pathways; A sense of Adventure, Creating and Construction and Sustainability. Young people will have the opportunity to experience bushcraft, orienteering, fishing and growing fruit and vegetables to eat.

PSHE, RE and RSE are integral to all facets of teaching and learning. Topics important to our young people are explored and developed further In World Around Us lessons (WAU), giving young people additional time and support to discuss issues that affect them. Through Personal Development lessons, young people follow a social skills programme called 'Talkabout'. Highly experienced staff support understanding and development of social skills in a calm and nurturing environment.