Edison Pace Education

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Careers Guidance

Careers education, information, advice and guidance is provided to all young people though a comprehensive PSHE programme.

At Edison Pace School, we are committed to preparing each student for life beyond education. We ensure students have access to impartial career advice and have access to employers who can help them consider their future options.

Careers Vision:

To ensure students, their parents and carers, are informed and prepared to achieve aspirational next steps into adulthood and the world of work. Providing young people with a brighter future.

Careers Contacts:

They can be contacted on 01782 616660

During Year 10 and 11 students are provided with the opportunities to explore their next step in the educational journey. This phase provides them with an insight into the varied options in Post 16 education as part of the careers curriculum. Students can then go on to make informed choices towards their options.

To prepare for their transition at the end of Year 11 visits to college providers take place. These are within the Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire and Cheshire areas and local to their place of residence.

Students are given the opportunity to take part in work experience at Key Stage 4 if deemed appropriate.

We consider the use of educational visits, education in the community, guest speakers and work experience, an essential element of our students overall educational entitlement as part of a planned curriculum and individualised programme. These experiences enable our students to learn, develop, practise and generalise their learning in realistic settings and other environments.

All Year 11 pupils have a careers plan provided by the Careers Adviser, with additional support provided by a dedicated key worker. This enables a bespoke transition programme for each student on their journey into post-16 settings.